I’m a firm believer of the saying Home Is Where The Heart Is.
In this saying I’m trying to remain strong while we get settled in our new rental home in a new city (more here). Below are pictures taken by Liz Fogarty that were featured on the Southern Weddings blog (more details, click here).
I also couldn’t help but still include at the bottom pictures of our beloved RVA home as well. It’s kind of neat to see how we transitioned our style from one large, traditional home to a small bungalow rental.
Here’s our new Arlington rental home:
Our original home in Richmond, VA:
(plus a tour of Sully’s original nursery if you click here)
Have home or design questions? Feel free to contact me at [email protected], I love helping my friends out with design projects!
Follow along on Facebook and Instagram as we continue to make updates to our little rental. Make sure to check out where most of my inspiration comes from on my Pinterest boards here.